The last blog


Personally, I love it the modality of the course I think that the blogs was a very useful tool for reconnect with the English since it allowed me discover in that I failing at the moment of want to organize a sentence and I help me to enlarge my vocabulary having to search the correct words for that unerstood which I trying express. The blog that I more enjoyed was the last that was about a place to eat given that I can flowed writting most that the others but in general all seemed to me striking because they transported me to passed situations that I have forgotten, as when we writting about of a television programm that we recording of children. And the one I liked the least was of the London because I don't have knowledge about the topic but it was something solvable through the information there is on the internet. The blogs that I most read enjoyed was of the hobbie and the concert, because between all of the class was very varied and striking. 

If I consider that my english improved considerably because it's happing to me that as the exercise that I performed of translate mentally of the I want spoken of the spanish at the english, was transformed in automatic process and I discovered to me doing it of unconscious form. 

Also I feel that actually I understand much more that I read and I can formulate a sentences for communicate with others.

Maybe, the only thing that I don't like in the beginning was that I felt that the time it wasn't enough for me but in the last time I felt that the time is perfect and I believe that the amount academy writting is perfect.


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